Unlike modular stages, Portable Staging is designed to focus on portability, so they’re much easier to transport and store. This does not, however, compromise their strength or durability. They’re made from high-quality materials and can stand up to the wear and tear of frequent use and multiple setups and takedowns. They’re also more affordable than permanent staging and can be used for a wide range of events.
Portable Staging is commonly found in schools, hotels, conference centres, community halls and leisure facilities. They’re great for enhancing any event and creating a more professional appearance, especially when hosting shows or performances. They can also be easily customised to fit the needs of each event. Some popular options for Portable Stages include carpet decks, handrails and valance curtains.
Flexible Foundations: Elevating Events with Portable Staging Solutions
When choosing a portable stage, it’s important to consider the load rating. This is a measurement of how much weight the stage can safely support and is usually stated in pounds per square foot (psf). In addition to this, many manufacturers will also provide a dynamic live load rating which outlines how much lateral force the stage has been tested to withstand. This is a good way to determine how strong a stage is and whether it will be able to accommodate the amount of equipment or performers you’re planning on having.
Another important consideration is the point load rating which tells you how much weight can be applied to a single pin or caster without causing damage to the stage surface. This is useful if you want to place something heavy like a grand piano on the stage because it lets you know how much the stage will withstand.