Hardest Credit Cards to Get

Credit cards allow you to purchase items by borrowing money, up to a maximum amount of debt you are allowed to carry. Each billing cycle, your card issuer will send you a statement that shows what you’ve bought and how much you owe. Your debt level and interest charges can vary widely depending on the type of card you have, how you use it and whether or not you pay your balances off in full. info

Some credit cards are so hard to get that they’re only available by invitation, such as the Platinum Card and Centurion Card from American Express and the J.P. Morgan Reserve card. These cards are a status symbol and come with a variety of luxury perks, including access to the best airport lounges, travel credits, and gift card rewards.

However, it’s important to remember that the perks offered by these cards don’t always add up to more than their annual fees. In addition, many of these cards have high minimum spending requirements and often require substantial income to be approved for them.

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The easiest way to find the right credit card for you is to focus on the card’s terms — its rewards earning rates, fees and APR. After all, the most important factor is making sure you’re not carrying more credit card debt than you can afford to pay off each month. Then, make your payments on time and in full. This will help you avoid paying high interest and prevent late payment fees, which can harm your credit score.

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